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Restaurant7 c lh

Restaurant Icarus

Enjoy culina­ry delights while wat­ching the pla­nes take-off and land or dis­cuss your flight trai­ning expe­ri­en­ces with fel­low stu­dents while sip­ping a cool drink — you are always wel­co­me in the restau­rant at Spit­zer­berg which has the sui­ta­ble name Ica­rus”.

Restaurant9 c lh

Much love and fresh ingredients

The restau­rant is run by the fami­ly of Kata­ri­na and Gabri­el Mehes. Here you can enjoy warm hos­pi­ta­li­ty in a cosy atmo­sphe­re. The spa­cious ter­race offers asto­nis­hing views of the acti­vi­ties at the air­field and of cour­se in the air abo­ve the Spit­zer­berg. The food is pre­pared by using the best ingre­di­ents from the region.

Restaurant1 c km

Opening hours

You can find up-to-date infor­ma­ti­on on ope­ning times and the weekly chan­ging menu on our Face­book page.

Restaurant10 c lh

Languages and culinary influences

We hard­ly know any lan­guage bar­riers — in a pinch we also under­stand each other non-ver­bal­ly. Nor­mal­ly, howe­ver, we talk in Ger­man, Eng­lish, Slo­va­ki­an and Hungarian.

The cui­sine at the Ica­rus restau­rant is as colourful as the voca­bu­la­ry, the influen­ces are as inter­na­tio­nal as they are down-to-earth, always new, always fresh and abo­ve all always sea­so­nal and varied as life!

Plea­se find cur­rent infor­ma­ti­on and the weekly chan­ging menu on facebook.

Restaurant12 c km

Ihre Veranstaltung im ICARUS

The place and the restau­rant always pro­ve to be made for events of all kinds. Our team is the­re to ans­wer all your ques­ti­ons, wild ide­as and brain­storms and will be hap­py to advi­se you per­so­nal­ly to make your cele­bra­ti­on extra special.

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